Cinematic Sony FS5: things to like and not to like

Cinematic Sony FS5: things to like and not to like

When you look at the FS5 it seems like the perfect marriage between size and function, it has the right buttons, the fantastic variable ND. It comes with ‘real’ audio, the Mi hotshoe that can plugin your wireless receiver. It has the right picture profiles, two SD card slots and a nice rotating grip that can be extended. The overall idea behind the camera is excellent, but there are a few things that don’t work as well as I would have liked. I didn’t buy the FS5 because it is cheaper than the FS7, I knew I was going to spend more money on the FS5 with all the extra’s than on an FS7, besides, I already own the PZ 28-135 FS7 kit lens

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